Translation & Interpretation

  • Translation & Interpretation: Definitions, Differences, and Similarities
  • Five Modes of InterpretationTranslation and Interpretation Services
  • Increased Importance of Interpretation in Globalized World
  • Advantages of Translation and Interpretation for Clients, Interpreters, and Translators


Translation & Interpretation: Definitions, Differences, and Similarities


Translation is the transformation of a written text from a language into another while interpretation deals with a spoken text. This is the simplest definition for both terms.

What is Translation?

Translation process relies on utilizing a wide range of tools such as dictionaries, translation memories, term bases, and other functions of translation technologies such as MemoQ and Trados. A translator has the time welfare that enables him to use these tools so that he can successfully and accurately complete his mission. Translators can also conduct thorough researches about the topic of an ongoing translation project through printed or digital sources such as printed glossaries and online dictionaries.

What is Interpretation?

On the other side, interpretation process means that an interpreter converts a spoken content into another language. There are two main types of interpretation: simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. During the interpretation, an interpreter focuses on the paraphrasing. While translators have the time to utilize other sources and translate every detail, interpreters don’t have such welfare; they work under stress. In addition, interpreters perform their mission instantly in the real time. Therefore, they should have excellent communications skills.

Similarities of Translation and Interpretation

Although the translation and interpretation are widely different, they have common grounds which should be observed by both translators and interpreters as detailed below:

  • Clear Meaning: A written or spoken text shall be accurately translated or interpreted so that the target audience can clearly understand the meanings.
  • Accuracy: Catastrophic consequences may occur due to any mistranslation or misinterpretation of a single word. Therefore, both translators and interpreters must be accurate and specific in order to not commit any fatal mistakes.
  • Maintenance of Original Intent of Source Text: A translator or interpreter must keep the original intent of a writer or speaker regardless of the cultural and linguistic differences. Despite any changes made to the translated or interpreted text, the original intent of the original text must be maintained.
  • Easy to Understand: Simple terminologies and linguistic structures are recommended for translators and interpreters. Accordingly, the target audience can easily understand the translated or interpreted text.


Five Modes of Interpretation

There are five forms of interpretation summarized as follows:

  1. Simultaneous Interpretation

 This is the type of interpretation conducted within milliseconds. A simultaneous interpreter instantly converts a spoken content into the target language in the real time. This mode of interpretation is highly demanded for meetings and conferences where there is a diversity of audience who speak different languages. Simultaneous interpretation is the toughest mode of translation because it imposes high stress on interpreters because they will not have the time to research. Simultaneous interpreters listen, understand, and translate in real time. This needs stressful mind efforts.

  1. Consecutive Interpretation

During the consecutive interpretation process, an interpreter has few minutes to listen well to a speaker, take notes, and then interprets the spoken content. While a simultaneous interpreter interprets a spoken content in real time, a consecutive interpreter has few moments to think before delivering the interpreted text. This mode of interpretation is demanded for bilateral meetings.

  1. Whispered Interpretation

 This mode of interpretation is very similar to the consecutive interpretation. During this process, an interpreter listens to a speaker and then conveys the meaning of the spoken content in the listener’s ears.

  1. Phone Interpretation

 This is a mode of interpretation that can be conducted over phone. Over-phone interpretation lacks the facial expressions and body language which help in the interpretation process.

  1. AI-powered Interpretation

 AI has recently overwhelmed all industries. Interpretation isn’t an exception. There are a lot of AI-powered interpretation platforms with very important functions. Although the AI-interpretation platforms are available around the clock, save money, featured with the ability to analyze data quickly, are efficient, and solve problems easily, they can’t be trusted; especially when the interpreted speech is important such as political meetings. The advantages and disadvantages of AI-powered translation are explained in details here: Click to read more about this topic so that you can decide when you can use AI-powered platforms.

Increased Importance of Interpretation in Globalized World

In our modern world, people seek to communicate beyond their geographical borders. However, this isn’t possible without the interpretation and translation services which help to overcome the language barriers. Through interpretation and translation, individuals, organizations, and governments can understand each other and exchange information. Industrial, legal, healthcare, governmental, social, and business fields need the translation and interpretation services. If you want to realize how the interpretation and translation are very important, imagine that a victim is held on trial and he and the judge speak different languages. How do they communicate? How can a victim explain his situation?

Advantages of Translation and Interpretation for Clients, Interpreters, and Translators

Translation and interpretation are beneficial to clients as follows:

  • Enhancement of Sales:

 A trader can’t reach his customers beyond the geographical borders unless he understands their mother language. Therefore, any exported products and services should be introduced in the language of the target market so that the customers can feel more comfortable and the products gain more trust.

  • Strong Relations:

 When people, organizations, companies, and governments communicate and understand each other, they can build business and cooperative relations. We see in every political meeting, there is an interpreter who helps them to understand and reach common agreements. In addition, thousands of legal, medical, and technical documents are sent to translation agencies and freelance translators every day to translate them into all languages of the world.

  • Exchange of Ideas and Information:  

Translation and interpretation help people to get knowledge and information about other countries who speak different languages. How can we know about the modern technologies without localization, interpretation, and translation?!

Benefits achieved by interpreters and translators are below:

  • Satisfactory Income:

Income is the one of the most important factors that is observed by people before starting a career. Translators, interpreters, and localizers can expect to get a worthy income, whether they get basic salaries or freelance fees. However, the salaries and fees are variable depending on many factors. Read more about the cost of translation.

  • Continuous Learning:

 Interpreters and translators are continuously learning from the translated materials. They have a vast amount of knowledge and information. They are also more aware of other cultures, lifestyles, traditions, and customs.

  • Growing Career:

The demand to interpretation and translation services is expected to increase due to many reasons such as global communication and advanced technologies.

  • Social Relations:

 Interpreters and translators can build social relations with the clients and professionals in other organizations, companies, and even other individuals.


In a globalized world, translation and interpretation services have become a necessity for any successful business and they are a demand in every aspect of our life. Individuals, companies, organizations, and governments are now in need to communicate more than any other time.


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