Why should you choose iTransling for legal and financial translation?

iTransling for Professional TranslationLegal and financial translation; here at Itransling, we explain Why should you choose iTransling for legal and financial translation the following, Why should you choose iTransling, Our Outstanding Experience in Legal and Financial Translation with Agencies in United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, Translation for Entire Judicial & Arbitral Processes, Why is professional qualified translation important for legal documents, iTransling & Human Translation.

iTransling for Professional Translation

  • Why should you choose iTransling for professional translation?
  • Our Outstanding Experience in خدمات الترجمة القانونية with Agencies in United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia
  • Translation for Entire Judicial & Arbitral Processes
  • Why is qualified professional translation important for legal documents?
  • iTransling & الترجمة البشرية
  • One-month Discount


Why should you choose iTransling for professional translation?

iTransling is a translation and localization service provider based in Cairo, but thanks to the digital revolution, we provide our services worldwide. Our Company was established 10 years ago and provided professional translation services for hundreds of agencies around the globe. We were just a small team of qualified and motivated translators. We clang to our hope till we became a physical real entity. As an agency with long years of experience in this industry, we definitely have deep understanding of clients’ needs. According to this understanding gained over years, iTransling adopts and is committed to six principles:

  1. High Quality
  2. Affordable Cost
  3. Specialization
  4. Confidentiality
  5. Commitment to Deadlines
  6. Service Guarantee.


  1. High-quality

iTransling understands that our clients can’t compromise the high-quality of professional translation; especially our clients in the legal and consulting industry. To provide a high-quality professional translation, the translation process should pass through three stages: text analysis, selection of a specialized linguist, and proofreading.

  • Text Analysis: Once the content is received, our team analyzes it in order to decide its field (legal, financial, technical, medical, etc). We thoroughly discuss with our clients to listen to their needs.
  • Selection of Specialized Linguist: After deciding the field of the content, we select an experienced specialized linguist (translator /localizer).
  • المراجعة: Although we provide the proofreading as a standalone service, it is an integral part of our professional translation process. After our specialized translator/ localizer completes the translation/localization, we meticulously proofread it in order to be seen by another eye. Some translation agencies skip this step, but iTransling believes that the proofreading is necessary in the translation process in order to ensure that the translated content is error free linguistically and semantically.


  1. Affordable Cost

In any industry, a high-quality service means that you have to pay more. However, this doesn’t apply at iTransling. We observe two aspects: affordable cost without impacting the quality. Therefore, our clients shouldn’t be worried about the cost of professional translation which is always expensive if they need good translation. Since we were established, we give high attention to the cost of our service. We frankly discuss with our clients to provide them with the solutions suitable for their budgets.

  1. Specialization

iTransling provides the professional translation and localization service in all fields. However, we believe in the specialization. When a professional is specialized in a specific field, he/she becomes more experienced and qualified than a professional who has general knowledge. As iTransling provides legal, medical, marketing, technical, and financial translations, our team is accordingly divided. We have legal translators, financial translators, technical translators, and marketing translators. We carefully pick our team through the recruitment process. Specialization, qualification, and experience are our requirements for recruitment at iTransling. Each member of our team is qualified and certified by remarkable universities and colleges specialized in translation.

  1. Confidentiality

iTransling is aware of the fact that any document submitted to us for translation contains confidential and private information. Thus, we keep and ensure that our translators and localizers will keep the content confidential. In addition, iTransling is willing to sign any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement.

  1. Commitment to Deadlines

As an experienced translation agency, we understand the significance of deadlines. For the smooth running of projects, deadlines are essential and arbitrary. When we set the deadlines, we can define the expectations, manage work, and ensure that the members involved in the project are working toward the intended goal. Consequently, we receive a professional translation project from a client and we transparently discuss with him to specify the deadlines for the delivery of translation. We then explain the difficulties and consequences and discuss with our engaged team to be aware of their capacity. Our clients should be assured that we set realistic deadlines. We realize that it is difficult to meet unrealistic deadlines which lead to stress and lack of quality. Therefore, when our team sets a deadline, we are sure we will definitely fulfill it.

  1. Service Guarantee

We care about our clients even after providing the service. After our clients receive the translated or localized content, we kindly ask them to review and get back to us with any comments. Hence, they have a period of one week to revise the translation and we are under obligation to fix the clients’ comments within this week.


Our Outstanding Experience in Legal and Financial Professional Translation with Agencies in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia

While we provide the professional translation and localization service worldwide, we had a great chance to work with many remarkable law firms in the United Arab Emirates. This long period of dealing with law firms greatly helped us to be aware of different types of legal documents. We translate:

  • Judgments
  • المذكرات الجوابية
  • مذكرات االدفاع
  • Minutes of Hearings
  • Laws
  • Regulations
  • Tender Proposals and Documents
  • Arbitration Awards
  • Consulting Reports
  • Corporate Documents (Articles of Association, Memoranda of Association, Commercial Registers, Licenses, etc)
  • Employment Contracts
  • Statements of Claims
  • International Conventions
  • Maritime Documents
  • Audit Reports (Five Financial Statements and Notes)

Know more about: Legal translation services

Professional Translation for Entire Judicial & Arbitral Processes

Once you initiate a case before courts or an arbitration center, you get involved in a long-process of procedures during which hundreds of documents are generated and need to be translated. These documents are interconnected and it is better to be translated by the same translator who is aware of the whole events of dispute. iTransling realizes this fact. During the text analysis stage, we can understand that this document is related to a specific dispute and we assign the same translator. Accordingly, any misunderstanding and conflict between events of dispute can be avoided in the professional translation.    

Why is qualified professional translation important for legal documents?

Legal documents are one of the most complicated texts because the legal industry involves specialized terminology. In addition, any wrong translation of any provision or term may lead to catastrophic consequences. A wrong translation may damage life and money and also waste time. We will show you below how the State of Kuwait incurred millions of dollars for 30 years due to the wrong translation of a provision of an agreement.

Story of Wrong Translation with Catastrophic Impact on the Kuwaiti Government

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Public Works has recently discovered a wrong translation of a provision in a construction agreement. According to the translated agreement, Kuwait had to incur millions of dollars for pouring big amounts of concrete while the original agreement doesn’t provide for such amounts. They discovered this wrong translation after 30 years. They studied the international specifications applicable to the constructional projects and found that the correct specifications are correctly stated in the original agreement while the translated version provides for wrong specifications. After correcting this mistake, Kuwait saved KWD 7 million at the first two projects implemented according to the correct specifications.

In conclusion, whether you are a law firm, employee, business, or even a single individual who needs to translate a document, you should carefully select an experienced honest professional translation agency in order to avoid the impacts of wrong translation.

iTransling & الترجمة البشرية

One of the main reasons that motivate you to choose iTransling is that we provide pure human professional translation. There is a big revolution called الترجمة المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي and some translation agencies use this technology. However, iTransling totally believes that the documents assigned to us by our clients can’t be accurately translated by machines. How can we trust a machine to translate a statement of claim which contains established facts about a victim?! How can we make sure that a machine can understand the content of a legal agreement providing for rights and obligations?! Human professional translation is necessary for all types of documents; not only for accuracy purpose, but also for the consistency and creativity. Therefore, our clients should be assured that their documents are professionally translated by human translators from the scratch.


One-month Discount

Not Easy to Gain Trust

You can’t trust a service provider until you practically see the quality of the provided service. So, iTransling provides its new clients with one-month discount until they make certain that they get thee best-quality service.

1 Comment

  • […] After reviewing the legal documents, you can realize how much they are important and why high-quality legal translation is required. Imagine that two governments or multinational companies need to translate an agreement; you can relate how much the information contained in such agreement is sensitive. You can also imagine how much it is sensitive to translate a judgment which contains a ruling against a person and in favor of another person. The legal system is penetrating every aspect of our life and the legal language is complicated. Consequently, the legal translation task can’t be assigned to any translator; it needs a highly-experienced translator. To realize how it is dangerous if a single word is wrongly translated, read our blog: Why should you choose iTransling for legal and financial translation? […]

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